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Lawyers may participate in both not-for-profit and for-profit lawyer 互联网转介服务 where the services require a flat fee for participation, 将靠谱的滚球平台的名字传递给潜在客户的固定费用, 并且/或者对每一个因推荐而获得的客户收取固定费用.


  • 规则5.4(靠谱的滚球平台的职业独立性)
  • 规则7.1(关于靠谱的滚球平台服务的通讯)


我们收到了一些关于参加……的询问, 和创造, 互联网转介服务. All inquires seek guidance on whether a lawyer’s participation in a specific program would be permissible under the D.C. 职业行为准则. 具体来说,我们被要求就D的适用性提供指导.C. 规则5.4和7.1 .根据审查项目的共同条款,靠谱的滚球平台参与转介服务.

大多数推荐项目是由州靠谱的滚球平台协会或其他非营利组织运营的. 有, 然而, 大量的项目是由营利性组织运营的, 这些服务的规模各不相同, 复杂, 法律专业, 和设计. 虽然大多数网站都有许多免责声明,可以从主页访问, 靠谱的滚球平台参与的成本和通过转介服务选择靠谱的滚球平台所需的费用往往不明显,如果没有签署服务.

The common elements among the inquiries included the following: (1) the services do not charge a fee to the prospective client or consumer; (2) they charge, 而不是, a flat fee for lawyers to participate in the service; (3) they require that the fees charged by the lawyers to clients secured through the referral service not be higher than fees charged to clients who do not use the referral service; (4) they provide guidelines on the type of information that participating lawyers must provide; (5) they adopt specific qualification requirements for lawyers to participate (e.g., 专业证书, 医疗事故保险, minimum number of years of practice); (6) they include disclaimers to prospective clients that the lawyer is responsible for the content of the description of the lawyer’s services; and (7) they provide disclaimers stating that the referral service does not provide legal advice or recommend a particular lawyer. 除了, 这些推荐服务似乎都没有通过“面对面接触”来招揽潜在客户.”1 而推荐服务则在各种媒体上做广告, 消费者或潜在客户必须主动与推荐服务联系,以获得任何推荐.


规则7.D的第一个.C. 《靠谱的滚球平台》规定了有关靠谱的滚球平台服务的所有通信, 包括广告. The 规则 prohibits a lawyer from making a false or misleading communication about her services and imposes certain limits on in-person solicitation.2

2007年2月1日之前,D.C. 规则7.(b)允许靠谱的滚球平台使用付费中介与潜在客户进行面对面接触, 只要靠谱的滚球平台合理地知道这种招揽符合中介人的合同或其他法律义务,并采取合理步骤确保潜在客户了解中介人的报酬和效果, 如果有任何, 靠谱的滚球平台总费用的一部分.3 当前版本的D.C. 规则7.1(b)不再允许使用有偿中介. "A lawyer shall not give anything of value to a person (other than the lawyer’s partner or employee) for recommending the lawyer’s services through in-person contact.” D.C. 规则7.1(b)(2). Comment [5] explicitly states that a “lawyer is no longer permitted to conduct in-person solicitation through the use of a paid intermediary.”


第一个, 靠谱的滚球平台广告现在很普遍, 到达哥伦比亚特区的不同社区, 包括不讲英语的人和移民. 关注某些人, 没有付费中介的介入, 找不到靠谱的滚球平台吗, 不应该再存在. 第二个, 我们有理由相信,至少有一些付费中介, 谁实际上是靠谱的滚球平台协会无法监管的呢, 使用过骚扰, 虐待, 或者为靠谱的滚球平台招揽潜在客户的不体面行为.

哥伦比亚特区靠谱的滚球平台职业行为规则审查委员会, Proposed Amendments to the District to Columbia 职业行为准则: Final Report and Recommendations (Clean Copy) 179 (June 21, 2005; revised Oct. 6, 2005).

While we have not previously addressed an inquiry about 互联网转介服务 that charge lawyers a fee for participating, 我们已经处理了类似的询盘. 所有这些问题都已得到解决, 至少在某种程度上, 提到现在被禁止的使用付费中介的做法. 看,e.g., D.C. 道德行动. 261 (1995), 286 (1998), 302 (2000), & 307 (2001). 因此, 我们在这些先前意见中得出的结论必须根据最近对D .的修订来阅读和重新评估.C. 规则7.1.

《靠谱的滚球平台》(以及其他司法管辖区的示范规则)与D.C. 规则7.与调查有关的文件. 首先,维.C. 规则7.1在靠谱的滚球平台招揽方面比示范规则更为宽松. 示范规则7.第3条一般禁止靠谱的滚球平台对潜在客户进行任何面对面的招揽(《靠谱的滚球平台》将其定义为包括现场电话和“实时电子联系”),除非潜在客户是靠谱的滚球平台或与联系靠谱的滚球平台已有关系. 相比之下,在哥伦比亚特区,规则7.只要靠谱的滚球平台的主张不具有误导性,就允许靠谱的滚球平台亲自进行这种招揽, 请求不涉及使用胁迫, 胁迫, 或骚扰, 潜在客户有能力对靠谱的滚球平台的选择做出合理的判断. 看到 D.C. 规则7.1(b).4

第二,D。.C. 规则7.美国在管理广告方面的限制比其他司法管辖区要少. The rule only requires that advertising not contain misrepresentations of fact or law or assertions that cannot be substantiated. 看到 D.C. 规则7.1(a). Comment [4] further states that any restrictions beyond these limited requirements impose barriers to the flow of information about lawyers’ services. 尽管示范规则7.在这方面,其他司法管辖区的限制要严格得多. 看,e.g.爱荷华州职业行为规则32:7.2广告.

最后,维.C. 规则7.1不同于示范规则中关于参与靠谱的滚球平台推荐项目的规定. 这两条规定现在都禁止靠谱的滚球平台付钱请人推荐她的服务。e.g.(中介机构),这两条规则都为推荐服务开辟了一个例外. 示范规则7.然而,第2条规定靠谱的滚球平台可以“支付… 非营利性或合格的靠谱的滚球平台推荐服务”(强调). A “qualified lawyer referral service” is defined as one that “has been approved by an appropriate regulatory authority.示范规则7.2(b)(2). 注释[6]to D.C. 规则7.1, 另一方面, simply states that “a lawyer may participate in lawyer referral programs and pay the usual fees charged by such programs.因此,D.C. 规则, 是根据示范规则改编的吗, 特别省略了只向非营利性转诊服务或由有关当局管制的服务支付费用的措辞.5


在哥伦比亚特区, 关于靠谱的滚球平台参与基于互联网的转介服务的问题,与靠谱的滚球平台沟通有关法律服务的任何其他问题没有什么不同. 我们之前说过,“我们认为靠谱的滚球平台通过网站交流他们的服务没有什么不妥。, 前提是此类沟通符合本所有关靠谱的滚球平台与客户沟通的一般规则.” D.C. 道德Op. 302. 这种通信由D.C. 规则7.1.

首先, 该规定要求靠谱的滚球平台确保他们的名单与转介服务, 以及转介服务机构关于靠谱的滚球平台服务的任何声明, 满足D.C. 规则7.1(a). 因此, 靠谱的滚球平台必须确保转介服务所提供的关于其服务的信息既不虚假也不具有误导性,并且对其法律服务的任何肯定陈述都能得到证实. 看到 D.C. 道德Op. 249 (1994). The referral programs under review request information such as the following: office locations; contact information; years of practice; certificates of specialty if the State 酒吧 recognizes specializations; current areas of practice; certificate of 医疗事故保险; and current bar memberships. 我们的规则明确允许公开传播这类信息.6

转介服务也必须符合D.C. 规则7.1(b)(2), 这条法律禁止靠谱的滚球平台“向通过当面联系推荐靠谱的滚球平台服务的人(靠谱的滚球平台的合伙人或雇员除外)提供任何有价值的东西”.如前所述, 增加这句话是为了明确在哥伦比亚特区使用付费中介现在是被禁止的. 尽管对规则的案文作了修改, 评注中的相关用语保持不变, and it states that “a lawyer may participate in lawyer referral programs and pay the usual fees charged by such a programs.” D.C. 规则7.1、评论[6]. 因此,规则7.1(b)(2)并非旨在限制参与收费推荐计划, 但, 而, 禁止靠谱的滚球平台利用有偿中介机构进行当面招揽. 推荐项目和付费中介之间的关键区别在于,推荐项目通常不会主动与潜在客户进行面对面的接触.

询问者描述的每一个推荐项目都要求潜在客户主动联系推荐服务,以获得有关潜在靠谱的滚球平台的任何信息. 而推荐服务则通过网站和其他媒体渠道做广告, 他们都不会主动与潜在客户进行面对面的交流. 而不是, the inquirers all described Internet-based services through which prospective clients can electronically request a referral. 对于某些服务, the prospective client can call the referral service for technical assistance in using the web site to request a referral. 另一些则允许潜在客户以电子方式提交请求, 或者致电该服务以获得推荐. 但这些服务都不会主动与潜在客户接触.7

Each referral service also informs the prospective client that the service is simply providing a list of available lawyers and is not recommending any particular lawyer. 在许多情况下,服务为每个请求提供多个随机引用. While the particular programs described in the inquiries we received do not recommend any specific lawyers when they transmit the names to potential clients, 我们认为,即使这些项目提出具体建议,我们的结论也不会改变. 但是,这些建议将根据规则7受到审查.1(a). 具体地说, we believe that a service that recommends a lawyer without offering any explanation of the basis for the recommendation could be misleading, 特别是如果该服务只是简单地推荐任何付费的靠谱的滚球平台. 然而, 如果建议的依据得到清楚的解释, 这样的广告不太可能违反规则7.1(a).8

关于费用, the programs described by the inquirers require of each lawyer a flat fee to participate or to have information listed with the service for a specified period of time. 如果这些费用是“此类项目通常收取的费用”,那么这些费用是允许的.” D.C. 规则7.1、评论[6]. 什么是“通常”会随着时间的推移和不同服务之间的运营成本而变化. “通常”至少意味着费用在同类服务收取的费用范围内.

D.C. 规则5.4一般禁止靠谱的滚球平台与非靠谱的滚球平台“分享”费用. 这一禁令的目的是“保护靠谱的滚球平台的职业判断独立性”.” D.C. 规则5.4、评论[1]. 虽然有些推荐项目会根据获得推荐的客户来支付费用, 它们都没有将费用与案件的结果或法律费用的数额挂钩. 正如我们在第286号意见中所解释的那样,“(a)为介绍合法业务而支付的无条件报酬, i.e., 不论代理的成功与否或结果如何都能获得报酬的人, 是不是有法律费用的划分. 这些费用只是靠谱的滚球平台营销费用的一部分, 无论他们是否为靠谱的滚球平台创造收入,都要支付.”9 因此, 我们得出的结论是,传输的固定费用, 或为每个已担保的客户, 不违反D.C. 规则7.1 or 5.4.

在第307号意见中,我们考虑了由联邦政府运作的转诊系统. 该推荐计划要求竞标参与为政府机构提供法律服务的时间表合同的靠谱的滚球平台事务所支付所产生费用收入的1%,以支付推荐计划的费用. 我们的结论是

D.C. 规则 were not particularly concerned about the manner in which non-profit lawyer referral services structured their fee arrangements; their principal focus was on preventing non-lawyer intermediaries from using their power over lawyers who rely on them for business referrals to influence those lawyers’ “professional independence of judgment.” D.C. 规则5.4、评论[1].

We went on to recognize that “the development of referral schemes that do not compromise lawyers’ independence [is] a positive development, 尽管我们认识到我们的规则在这个问题上不够明确.” D.C. 道德Op. 307. 最近对D.C. 规则5.4 .现在明确允许靠谱的滚球平台“与雇用靠谱的滚球平台的非营利组织”分享法律费用, 保留, or recommended employment of the lawyer in the matter and that qualifies under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.” D.C. 规则5.4(a)(5).10

因此,虽然在D中没有非营利和营利性转诊服务的区别.C. 规则7.1, D.C. 规则5.第4条在费用分摊方面区分了非营利和营利性项目. 但是,只要靠谱的滚球平台参与一个以营利为目的的基于互联网的推荐项目,支付固定的费用, 或者每次传送固定收费, 而不是从客户那里赚来的一部分费用, D.C. 规则5.4不违反.

最后, all of the inquiries we received made clear that none of the participating lawyers would have any financial interest in the referral service. 任何参与靠谱的滚球平台也不会与转介服务提供者有任何雇佣或合同关系,即使该提供者是具有其他商业利益的大型实体. 如果存在这样的关系,在D项下可能会出现问题.C. 规则5.4(b).

总之,修改后的D.C. 规则禁止靠谱的滚球平台进行, “通过付费中介亲自招揽,,但允许靠谱的滚球平台“参加靠谱的滚球平台推荐计划,并支付此类计划通常收取的费用”.” 看到 D.C. 规则7.1、评论[5]和[6]. 因此, 我们的结论是,参与靠谱的滚球平台推荐计划, 就像上面描述的那样, 解析:选D.C. 一般的职业行为规则,以及D.C. 规则7.1和5.特别是4,是允许的.

查询号. 06-01-24和06-08-11


1. “亲自联系”或“征求”包括电话联系,但不包括电子邮件.” D.C. 规则7.1、评论[5].
2. 经修订后,D.C. 规则7.1 .在有关部分指出:
(a)靠谱的滚球平台不得就其本人或靠谱的滚球平台的服务作出虚假或误导性的通知. 如果一种信息是虚假的或具有误导性的:
  (1)包含对事实或法律的重大失实陈述, or omits a fact necessary to make the statement considered as a whole not materially misleading; or
(b)(1)靠谱的滚球平台不得寻求亲自接触, employment (or employment of a partner or associate) by a nonlawyer who has not sought the lawyer’s advice regarding employment of a lawyer, if:
   (A)征集涉及使用虚假或具有误导性的陈述或主张, 在(a)款的意义范围内;
   (B) The solicitation involves the use of coercion, 胁迫 或骚扰; or
   (C) The potential client is apparently in a physical or mental condition which would make it unlikely that the potential client could exercise reasonable, 对选择靠谱的滚球平台的慎重判断.
  (2) A lawyer shall not give anything of value to a person (other than the lawyer’s partner or employee) for recommending the lawyer’s services through in-person contact.
(c)靠谱的滚球平台不得故意协助向他人提供法律服务或支付法律服务费用的组织,以促进利用靠谱的滚球平台的服务或靠谱的滚球平台的合伙人或同事的服务, 或与该靠谱的滚球平台或其靠谱的滚球平台事务所有关联的任何其他靠谱的滚球平台, 作为一名私人医生, 如果促销活动涉及使用胁迫, 胁迫, 冲动, 恐吓, 威胁, 或无理取闹或骚扰行为.
3. 先前版本的D.C. 规则7.1 .包括下列文字:
(b)靠谱的滚球平台不得寻求亲自接触, 或者通过中介, employment (or employment of a partner or associate) by a nonlawyer who has not sought the lawyer’s advice regarding employment of a lawyer, if:
. . . .
  (4) The solicitation involves use of an intermediary and the lawyer knows or could reasonably ascertain that such conduct violates the intermediary’s contractual or other legal obligations; or
  (5)该招揽涉及使用中介机构,而靠谱的滚球平台未采取一切合理步骤确保潜在客户被告知(a)该考虑, 如果有任何, 由靠谱的滚球平台支付或将支付给中介, (b)效果, 如果有任何, 支付给中介人的总费用中要收取的.
4. 靠谱的滚球平台应该意识到,在特定情况下,实体法可能会限制某些招揽行为. 看,e.g., D.C. 法典§22-3225.限制靠谱的滚球平台和其他“从业者”的能力,“无论是直接还是通过付费中介, 在机动车事故发生后的21天内招揽客户).
5. 因为互联网跨越了司法管辖区, 因为我们依赖于哥伦比亚特区规则的独特方面, 接受转介的靠谱的滚球平台在接受来自美国的客户的转介时应特别小心, 或关于由…引起的问题, 其他司法管辖区, 因为这些司法管辖区的规则可能适用. 看到维.C. 规则8.5(b), D.C. 道德Op. 311 (2002).
6. “这条规则允许公开传播有关靠谱的滚球平台姓名或事务所名称的信息, address, and telephone number; the kinds of services the lawyer will undertake; the basis on which the lawyer’s fees are determined, including prices for specific services and payment and credit arrangements; a lawyer’s foreign language ability; names of references and, 征得他们的同意, names of clients regularly represented; and other information that might invite the attention of those seeking legal assistance.” D.C. 规则7.1、评论[3].
7. 因为大多数这些服务都允许通过电话进行转诊, 可以说,这些通信属于《靠谱的滚球平台》规定的“亲自”征求的定义.C. 规则. 但是我们在D中解释禁令.C. 规则7.1(b)(2)反对向通过面对面接触推荐靠谱的滚球平台服务的人员支付费用,但不得扩展到潜在客户打电话给推荐服务机构并肯定要求提供靠谱的滚球平台姓名的情况. 我们不相信D.C. 规则7.1(b)(2) was intended to prohibit a lawyer from paying to participate in a referral service in which the prospective client initiates the contact, 明确寻求靠谱的滚球平台推荐.
8. 这种解释的位置可能因网站的设计而异. 我们之前已经警告过, 因为网页允许多层次的交流, questions may arise about whether a visitor to a web page may be misled because relevant disclosures are hidden many clicks away from the main pages.” D.C. 道德Op. 302.
9. 第286号意见,以及其他讨论转诊费用支付的意见(见,e.g., D.C. 道德Op. 307), incorporated into its analysis of fee sharing an analysis of the District of Columbia’s unique rule permitting the use of intermediaries. 虽然该规则不再允许使用中间人, 这些关于费用分摊的意见的理由仍然是合理的.
10. The rule change only addressed nonprofit organizations that qualify under section 501(c)(3); Opinion 307 continues to apply with respect to government referral services.
